The Soulful Santero University
Courses and Descriptions
Self Love
Are you an individual who struggles with self-doubt and self-confidence? Sometimes, people tend to forget how truly amazing and lovable they are! They look for people and things outside of themselves to find true happiness, peace, and a form of love that isn’t satisfying. This course is for anyone who needs a reminder of how incredible they are, to fall in love with themselves, and potentially find love in another individual. This course is also designed for those who need help developing their self-confidence and improving their overall outlook on themselves. It will provide learners with tools from various traditions to help them grow in their ability to love themselves. After all, how can you love someone else when you don’t truly love yourself? This class will draw from Hoodoo, Hellenistic Paganism, Hindu, and Buddhist traditions while utilizing mindfulness techniques adapted from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practices. These tools will help people take the first step to finding the love they deserve. Ultimately, this course will create a potent Attraction work that practitioners can leverage to their advantage when looking for a partner.
Dream Incubation Course
This course was designed to show practitioners how dream work and incubation have been integral to the Hoodoo tradition. However, we explore how these tools and traditions can be used today to interpret our dreams, enhance our gambling luck, or solicit spirits for success. Doc Aaron also showcases a work using the Greek Magical Papyri, whereby you can gain the assistance of ancient spirits for oracular knowledge revealed through your dreams.
This is a beginner-level course for practitioners, and it can benefit workers from any folk or practical magic tradition, including rootworkers. You should also purchase a copy of Aunt Sally’s Dream Book, which will be examined in the course.
Grimoire of the Seven Daimons
The grimoire of the seven daimons is a unique mini-grimoire system of spirit conjuration that sets itself apart by providing a foundation for working with seven chthonic entities from the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) tradition. This course was specifically designed to cater to those who are drawn to Hoodoo practices, but are deterred by the tradition’s strong Abrahamic ties.By performing a simple ritual, each practitioner gains access to spirits with specialized abilities, enhancing their rootwork. This one-off course is ideal for beginner practitioners looking to establish a lasting spiritual practice. However, it's important to note that anyone, regardless of their level, can benefit from this grimoire system!
Hoodoo Hacker’s Guide to Treasure
This one-off class gives you the tools to seek wealth and prosperity. Some people have dismissed treasure spirits, noting they were intended for use during an ancient time when treasure was buried in the streets and cities of Europe. This narrow view of treasure spirits ignores their nature as entities who help a practitioner seek out the materials for a prosperous life. Of course, the key to any spirit work is the relationship we build and establish with the spirit. To that end, the course details how to do so and suggests continued practice.
The Master Key 3: PGM Charms & Amulets
The Master Key 3 is Doc Aaron’s third amulet and talisman course that teaches another set of wearable tech. What distinguishes this class from its predecessors is that the content comes from the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM). The course also draws wisdom and insight from the Hoodoo tradition. In addition to teaching you how to construct these amulets, the course also gives you the tools to go beyond the confines of the course and create charms, talismans, and amulets unique to your needs, from the vantage point of the PGM tradition.
Our Best Friend
The “Our Best Friend” course is the first of its kind in the Hoodoo world! This class seeks to give rootworkers and other practitioners the ability to care for pets and animal companions using Hoodoo’s tools and insights to give them the best chance at life. The goal of this course is more than just tools; It is meant to teach you how to create what you and your companion need. Our Best Friend gives you a framework for developing tools and rituals beyond the scope of what is presented in the class.
Go Down, Moses
This course is another unique one that combines goetic work with insights and tools from Hoodoo. We continue working with the chthonic elements of Moses's 6th and 7th Books. The challenge with teaching this, and why it took so much time for me to put it together, is because the Moses Books are saddled with the typical problem of traditional grimoires needing to be more organized in their presentation of material and rituals. All of that needed to be corrected and systematized logically for its system to be properly and safely used.
The Master Key
I designed this second class because I knew I could not contain all the talismans I make in one course! I also needed some time to articulate the process of creating these three potent tools. Both courses together allow practitioners to address several life issues with wearable technology that gives you the upper hand.
Singing the Lord’s Song: A Course on Contemporary Psalm Magic
The “Singing the Lord’s Song” course on psalm magic is an 18-week journey into many of the 150 psalms of the Bible and how they can be used to address life’s challenges. You learn how to work with the Psalms magically and tap into historically underused sources of power with angels and the power names of God. This tool is available to any practitioner and will significantly enhance your practical magic skills. Come and explore how these ancient praise songs and poetry can shape your reality for the better!