Reading & Divination Methods
This form of divination originates from the Congo-derived system of Palo Mayombe, performed by casting four coconut shells to the ground and interpreting the fallen patterns. When I do this, I work with the spirits of the Dead and the Congo. It is important to know that, while a person’s queries are answered, the spirits may indicate other issues requiring attention.
Throwing Bones
Using bones, curios and hard herbs together for divination is a phenomena practiced across many indigenous cultures, as well as by Hoodoo practitioners. This style of reading gives a deep analysis of a situation or one’s life. Bones show many influences, challenges and blessings related to your inquiry. It is also more time-consuming, due to the interpretive process. This modality is especially conducive to more complex issues and problems.
Spirit Board Reading
The spirit board is a tool commonly known as the Ouija board, but in the modern day has also been adapted for use with pendulums to facilitate spirit communication. The board allows for both simple yes/no answers, as well as more in-depth conversation on more complex issues. Doc Aaron's intuition also allows him to see images and hear what his spirits have to say when you bring your conditions and problems to the board.
Hoodoo Playing Cards Reading
This old time and very traditional method of divination stems back from the times of American slavery, when Tarot cards were neither prevalent nor easy to get a hold of. Some believe playing cards predate tarot and were the inspiration for them. Regardless of where you land on that, know that these cards speak directly to the situations you bring to them. They are also a powerful tool for readings because they often give suggested magical workings to help the querent find relief.
Oracle Cards Reading
Oracle cards are a very modern method and tool for divination that is less rule-bound with protocols and more intuitive for the one using them. Having a developed third eye is essential. When these cards are used, they often point to larger issues in a person's life. They can indicate a general approach to issues, as well as outcomes. They also tend to be very positive and affirming, and are not as ideal for readings where one seeks to troubleshoot.