The more people I read and advise as a rootworker, the more I have seen that most of what bedevils our lives is not some complicated spiritual “throw” someone lobbed at us intending to destroy our lives. Yes, that can and does happen, and it too happens enough that I know to be on the lookout for signs of it with clients. But many times more than not, root issues have more to do with internal work that is still undone. When you add traumas and other very negative experiences, it is easy to see how someone gets stuck in life.


There is no panacea or cure-all for this. Our lives are different, and we live in various shades of joy, pain, suffering, and other challenges. But there are always little things we can do to start the energy and process of helping ourselves. It has been common for me that when I need the help of an elder to get through something difficult, sometimes they cannot drop what they are doing to intervene. Sometimes, I have had to wait a bit. In those times, the elder usually advises me on what needs to be done to fix the problem and tells me to do work in the interim that helps hold back whatever is going on. I have always appreciated that elders gently remind me that I have an agency of my own that does not go away just because I need help. That they are not saving me to the detriment of my own voice. This is a sign of a healthy leader in any scenario.


As the title suggests, this post is a simple way to address fear. I am borrowing again from the insights of the old-timey writer Mikhail Strabo. The first thing he suggests we do is find a quiet space amid our trial and sit and talk to God. Light a candle, then say the following words: “I am my own master. I have the power to do all things that God wills me to do.”


He does not say this, but I suggest saying those two sentences like a mantra rather than a one-time pronouncement. They are potent self-statements and can begin to shift our cognitions in subconscious ways.


The next and final step is to recite Psalm 23. This is one of my two favorite psalms in the Bible, aside from 139. However, I suggest that you also use the Shemhamforash Seal from the 6th and 7th Books of Moses when you get to this point. Part of this seal is in Strabo’s book, but not the whole thing. I would print this out, then cut it out and glue the front and back sides of the seal together.


Once you have the glued seal, hold it in your left hand while holding the “God candle” on your right. Recite the 23rd Psalm while you keep these two things. When the recitation is finished, talk to God about what you desire for the end of whatever fears you carry in your life. I would repeat this over several days until you feel the fear subside or go away.


I pray courage follows you all your days, today and forever!  


