An Open Love Note

Remember how it was when we were kids and we used to do all sorts of creative things for somebody we liked? Remember that feeling? I do. I remember when I was in grade school, this girl I REALLY liked, I wanted to get her something special. I think I was still a little young to work a job, but I had a weekly allowance of sorts that I could use. So I saved up. For weeks.


I had my eye on a Broken-Heart pendant. Remember those? The store Things Remembered also allowed you to put a message on it. There was a phrase this young lady and I always said to each other, so you better believe I had that enshrined on that pendant!


When I gave it to her, she was so moved that she literally threw her arms around me, kissed me deeply, and said no one had ever given her something so beautiful and thoughtful before. I remember how that felt! Love returned. The ultimate validation. Really being seen. Feeling like you died and went to heaven a million times over.


I have more than my share of sad and heartbreaking stories about love and my love life over the years too. But what matters, really matters, is to remember those moments we did experience love. Many of us tend to dismiss them if that love did not last. But I don’t think that’s the point. Recalling memories of the experience of being loved goes a long way to affirming to ourselves that we are worthy of love, starting with ourselves. They are memories that someone else saw this worthiness in us, and for a few memorable moments reflected it back.


And no, this does not need to be romantic love either. I have other stories of people who showed love to me at some critical moments in my life, and that display from them made all the difference. But I will reflect on that another time!


My course with La Sirena on Self Love is an important one to developing your spirituality in a healthy way. We are going to keep the class open for a good long while, so folx can come in and experience the reflection of the love you seek. The link to the course is here:


See you in class!


Getting the Love We Deserve
